Wollastonite Thin Section
One perfect cleavage and two good cleavages producing splintery cleavage fragments.
Wollastonite thin section. Vesuvianite is also reported in this thin section. The pyroxenoid wollastonite is also abundant in this thin section and appears in fibres and blades particularly in the lower left hand quarter. There you ll find additional information on this and many.
The thin section exibits coarse grained calcite with lamellar strain twins large poikilitic garnet with multiple inclusions. Wollastonite thin section photomicrographs are taken in plane polarized light and cross polarized light and can easily be recognized under the microscope. Colorless to grey in thin sectionwith moderate to moderatly high relief.
Wollastonite is a common mineral in contact metamorphosed calcareous limestones where the si is metasomatically introduced and also in the invading igneous rocks as the result of contamination.